„Developing Latgalian literacy: Texts, skills, and practices”. Regional Languages in Education: From Literature towards Literacy. Rēzekne, Latvia, 16-17 June 2022. – Conference presentations are available here: https://ltg.korpuss.rta.lv/konferences-prezentacijas/
„Modālās konstrukcijas lejzemnieku un augšzemnieku rakstu valodā 19. gadsimta sākumā” [Modal constructions in Low and High Latvian written language at the beginning of the 19th century]. LU 80. Konference letonika, diaspora un starpkultūru komunikācija. Sekcija „Ģramatika un korpusa pētījumi” [LU 80. conference letonistics, diaspora, and intercultural communication, section “Grammar and corpus studies”], Online, 10 February 2022.
„«Bišu grāmatiņa» Kurzemes un Latgales latviešu valodā” [„The little book of bees” in the Latvian language of Courland and of Latgale], Latviešu raksti un raksti Baltijā 16.–19. gadsimtā: pētniecības aktualitātes un problēmas. 12. Starptautiskais zinātniskais seminārs [Latvian writing and writing in the Baltics countries 16th-19th century: current research], Online, 14 January 2022. [The presentations of the workshops can be accessed here: https://www.hzf.lu.lv/par-mums/lu-mediji/zinas/zina/t/69825/]
[with Birutė Spraunienė] “Future as a narrative tense?”. XIII Startptautiskais baltistu kongress / XIII Tarptautinis baltistų kongresas / XIII International Congress of Balticists, Riga, 13-15 October 2021. [Online]
[with Sanita Martena and Heiko F. Marten] “New Perspectives on Latgalian in Education in Latvia: Ideologies, Educational Reforms and Practices”. AILA World Congress of Applied Linguistics, 15 – 20 August 2021, Groningen, The Netherlands. [Online]
[with Birutė Spraunienė] “Future as a narrative tense?” Further Perspectives on the Baltic Verb, 26-30 July 2021, Salos, Lithuania. [Online]
“Bridging and backstitching in Latgalian oral folktales”. Vielfaltslinguistik, Bremen 4.-5. Juni 2021. [Online]
“The Baltic future: Towards a semantic map?” New Spotlights on the TAME domain in Baltic and its Neighbours, 23-24 October 2020, Vilnius, Lithuania
“Another ‘look’ – the Latvian particle lūk in parliamentary discourse”, 52nd Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea, Leipzig, 21-24 August 2019. [presentation]
“The TAKE and V construction in Baltic, Finnic and Slavic”, Academia Grammaticorum Salensis Sexta Decima, Salos, 29 July – 3 August 2019.
“Bringing Latgalian into schools: Visions, needs, and obstacles”, 13th Conference on Baltic Studies in Europe, Gdańsk, 26-29 June 2019. [presentation]
“Teaching Latgalian: problems and solutions”, Latgaliešu rakstu valoda izglītībā un pētniecībā, Rīga, 26 April 2019. [presentation]
“’All the time’. On two Latvian constructions expressing continuos or habitual actions.” Time and Tense in Circum Baltic, Vilnius, 19-20 June 2018. Handout.
“Finiteness and participles in Latvian.” Workshop New approaches to the Baltic Verb, Vilnius, 19-21 April 2018. Handout.
“Wie wird ein Partizip finit?” Vielfaltslinguistik. 2. Konferenz zu Typologie und Feldforschung, Humboldt-Universität Berlin, 20.-21. März 2018. Handout.
“Clause linkage in spontaneous spoken Latgalian: Dialectology meets spoken language research.” Grammar of non-standard varieties in the East of the Circum-Baltic area, Tartu, February 1-3, 2018.
“Apstākļa saikļi latgaliešu valodā”. 10th International Conference on Latgalistics, Rēzekne 2017.
“Clause combining in Latvian and Latgalian”. Academia Grammaticorum Salensis Quarta Decima, Salos, Lithuania, July 31-August 6, 2017.
“A modal passive? Constructions with the present passive participle in Latvian”. The 12th Conference on Baltic Studies in Europe, Rīga June 19-21, 2017.
„Latgaliešu valodas identitāte / The construction of Latgalian as a language.” 9th International Conference on Latgalistics, Rēzekne 2016.
“Why study Baltic fairy tales? A linguist’s point of view.” Bridges in the Baltic IV, Warsaw 2016.
[with Jurgis Pakerys] “Transitivity pairs in Baltic – between Finnic and Slavic?”. Workshop Correlations of valency-changing operations within and across languages at Poznan Linguistic Meeting 2016, Poznań 2016.
“Moving through a fairy tale – how verbs of motion structure space.” Baltu dienu un baltas naktis: Vietas nozīmes valodā, Riga 2016.
“Free choice of endings – the end of conjugation classes in Latgalian?” Perspectives of Batic Philology III, Poznań 2016.
„Latvian deverbal nouns with aspectual prefixes”. 12th International Congress of Balticists, Workshop: Wordformation and Beyond in the Baltic Languages, Vilnius 2015.
„Slāvismi latgaliskajās izloksnēs mūsdienās: partikulas un saikļi”. Aktuāli baltu valodu vēstures un dialektoloģijas jautājumi, Rīga 2014.
[with Katarzyna Klessa] „Compilation of Language Resources and On-line Dissemination of Knowledge about Endangered Languages and Linguistic Heritage”. Poster presentation at the 6th Conference Human Language Technology: The Baltic Perspective, Kaunas 2014.
„Causatives in the Latvian lexicon”. Workshop Argument Structure and Diathesis in Baltic. Salos 2014.
„To and fro between language and dialect – Grammatical changes in Latgalian”. FINCA Syposium On the Border of Language and Dialect, Joensuu 2014.
„New approaches to the study of word-formation and Latvian action nouns”. 4. Baltistisches Arbeitstreffen: Neue Forschungen zur Syntax und Morphologie der Baltischen Sprachen. Greifswald 2014.
“Argument structure and argument realization in Latvian nominalizations”. Workshop Argument Structure and Diathesis in Baltic. Vilnius 2014.
“Par dažu Latgales izlokšņu priedēkļverbu īpatnībām salīdzinājumā ar kontaktvalodām”. Vārds un tā pētīšanas aspekti 18. Liepāja 2013.
“Agent nouns and valency in Latvian”. Workshop Argument Structure and Argument Realization in Baltic. Salos, Lithuania, 2013
“The development of autochthonous literacy in Latvia. An ethnographic approach”. 10th Conference on Baltic Studies in Europe. Tallinn 2013.
“Syntax and semantics of agent nouns in Latvian”. Semantics and Structure of Linguistic Units. Klaipeda 2013. [presentation]
“Kategoriju robežas: supīns un nenoteiksme latviešu un latgaliešu valodā”. LU 71. konference, Latviešu un vipārīgās valodniecības sekcija / 71st Annual Conference of the University of Latvia, Section of Latvian and General Linguistics. Riga 2013. [presentation]
“Differential object marking in Latgalian”. Workshop Grammatical Relations and their Non-Canonical Encoding in Baltic. Vilnius 2013.
“Genitīvs kā objekta locījums latgaliešu valodā”. 5. storptautyskuo latgalistikys konfereņce / 5th International Conference on Latgalistics. Rīga 2012.
“Writing in Latvian culture”. Polska i Łotwa – bliscy nieznajomi. Historia – Kultura – Literatura. Wrocław 2012.
“Dialektu loma (sabiedrībā, valodniecībā un) valodas politikā”. LU 70. konference. Plenārsēde. Rīga 2012.
“Par latviešu valodas deklinācijām un konjugācijām”. Letonikas 4. kongress. Rīga 2011. [text]
“Latgaliešu un latviešu valodas deklinācijas: kāda atšķirība?”. 4. storptautyskuo latgalistikys konfereņce / 4th International Conference on Latgalistics. Poznań 2011.
“Pasīvs, rezultatīvs, perfekts: dažu jautājumu ieskicējums”. Diatēze, kārtas kategorija un atgriezeniskums. Rīga 2011.
“Kā rakstīt latgaliešu valodas gramatiku? (How to write a grammar of Latgalian)”. 3. storp-tautyskuo latgalistikys conference / 3rd International Conference on Latgalistics. Greifswald 2010.
“Coordinating conjunction, connective particle, and focus particle: On the functions of Latgalian i and a in fairy tales”. 11th International Congress of Balticists. Rīga 2010.
(with Joanna Chojnicka) “Around hearsay”. 43rd Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea, Vilnius 2010. Workshop: Evidentials. Towards a unified account of evidential markers of the languages of Europe.
“System-defining principles as a tool for describing areal-typological relatedness”. 43rd Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea, Vilnius 2010. Workshop: Baltic Languages in an Areal-Typological Perspective.
“Paradigm economy or the end of paradigms? Latgalian noun declension as opposed to Latvian”. The Baltic Languages – Structure and Contacts. Stockholm 2010.
“Morphophonological alternation in Polish and Latgalian: a comparison”. Perspectives of Baltic Philology II: Polish – Baltic Contrasts and Contacts in Language and Literature. Poznań 2010.
“Gramatizācijas teorija sinhroniskos sintakses pētījumos”. Gramatizēšanās un leksikalizēšanās latviešu valodā. Rīga 2010.
„Latvian verbs of saying on the road to evidentiality: what shall count as an evidential marker?” Workshop on Non-grammatical evidentiality in the Baltic Languages. Vilnius 2009.
„Verbal hendiadys in Latgalian: jis jem i ….”. 2. storptautyskuo latgalistikys konfereņce / 2nd International Conference on Latgalistics. Rēzekne 2009.
„Contradiction, cause, and contrast: On the functions of Latvian neba in Internet discussions, and some reasons for its contagiousness”. 8th Conference on Baltic Studies in Europe. Kaunas 2009.
„Towards a comprehensive description of Latvian relative clauses: maybe we can learn from Finnish?”. The Baltic Languages and the Nordic Countries. Oslo June 2009.