
Topics of courses taught since 1992 (the course titles are given in the language of instruction)

At Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan (since 2014)
Lectures given in English

  • Endangered languages (2014)
  • Writing and literacy: linguistic and cultural aspects (2012, 2015)
  • Language acquisition, language learning, and language teaching (2007, 2010, 2013)
  • The Baltic Sea Region as a linguistic area (2006)
    The languages of the Baltic Sea region (2009)
  • Language planning and language policy in the Baltic States (2005, 2008)
    Language planning in the Baltic States and Finland (2011)

Classes for undergraduate students of linguistics given in Polish

  • Wstęp do językoznawstwa [Introduction to Linguistics] (2015)
  • Językoznawstwo typologiczne i porównawcze [Language typology and comparative linguistics] (2015)

For students of Latvian philology (UAM since 2004) / Zajęcia dla studentów filologii łotewskiej

  • Gramatyka opisowa języka łotewskiego / Latviešu valodas deskriptīvā gramatika
    I Fonetyka i fonologia; II Morfologia; III Składnia; IV Tekstologia i stylistyka
    [Descriptive grammar of Latvian: Phonetics and Phonology, Morphology, Syntax, Textlinguistics and stylistics; courses taught bilingually in Polish and Latvian)
  • Historia języka łotewskiego (History of Latvian; course taught in Latvian)
  • Dialektologia łotewska (Latvian dialectology; course taught bilingually in Polish and Latvian)
  • Język łatgalski (zajęcia fakultatywne) (Latgalian; )
  • Praktyczna nauka języka łotewskiego (wszystkie poziomy) (Practical Latvian – all levels)
  • Wstęp do językoznawstwa (Introduction to linguistics)

Courses given at the summer school Academia grammaticorum salensis na Litwie (3 x 90 min.)

      • Typology of reported discourse (2007)
      • Typology of clause combining (2009)

Courses at the University of Latvia, Riga/ Lekcijas Latvijas Universitātē (2002-2004)

      • Mūsdienu lingvistikas teorijas (Modern linguistic theories, for PhD students)
      • Pirmās un otrās valodas apguve (First and second language acquisition, for PhD students)
      • Valodu tipoloģija (Language typology, for MA students of Baltic philology)
      • Somu-latviešu un somu-krievu kontrastīvā gramatika (Contrastive grammar of Finnish and Latvian and Finnish and Russian, for BA students of Finnish philology)

Courses for students of general linguistics at the University of Kiel (1992-2001)

    • Sprachen der Welt (Languages of the world)
    • Sprachkontakt und Mehrsprachigkeit (Language contact and multilingualism)
    • Grammatikalisierung (Grammaticalization)
    • Grammatikographie (Grammaticography)
    • Lexikographie (Lexikography)
    • Sprachvarietäten (Linguistic varieties)
    • Geschichte der Sprachwisssenschaft: 20. Jahrhundert (History of linguistics: 20th century)
    • Geschichte der Sprachwissenschaft: 19. Jahrhundert (History of linguistics: 19th century)
    • Einführung in die Sprachwissenschaft (Introduction to linguistics)
    • Einführung in die Syntax (Introduction to syntax)
    • Einführung in die Phonologie und Morphologie (Introduction to phonology and morphology)
    • Semantik und Pragmatik (Semantics and pragmatics)
    • Prinzipien des Sprachwandels (Principles of language change)
    • Einführung in die Logik (Introduction to logic)